The Ipswich Reads…One Book program encourages the community to read the same book and come together to explore its themes and issues at a variety of community events each fall.
This year’s title is Beautiful Boy: A Father’s Journey through His Son’s Addiction, by David Sheff. We are pleased to announce that Mr. Sheff will visit Ipswich as our keynote speaker for this series.
About the Book:
David Sheff chronicles his son’s downward spiral into addiction and tentative steps toward recovery. Beautiful Boy is a fiercely candid memoir that brings immediacy to the emotional roller coaster of loving a child who seems beyond help, as only a parent can. Copies of the book are available to borrow now at the library!
About the Series:
Addiction impacts every community, with devastating consequences. But as a town, Ipswich is not standing idle. This initiative was born of the shared response to this crisis in our community. Countless individuals and groups are working diligently to create awareness, reduce stigma and foster conversations, as we seek answers to difficult questions.
In its 15th year, Ipswich Reads One Book is an ideal platform for those conversations. Perhaps more than any other activity, reading has the power to bring people together around difficult issues. The power of storytelling to share experiences and create empathy paves the way for common ground, and for working together to solve problems.
This fall, we hope that you will join us in reading, listening, learning, and continuing to discuss this complicated topic. With the combined effort of many hands and voices, we can support every individual and family impacted in our community. No matter who you are or how you connect with this issue, we can all be part of the solution.
Ipswich Reads One Book 2019 is sponsored by the Ipswich Public Library, Ipswich Police Department, Ipswich Public Schools, Ipswich Family YMCA, and Ipswich Aware.
Events at a Glance (click on dates below for detailed descriptions and registration requirements)
Event | Date and Time | Location |
Keynote Speaker Author David Sheff |
Thursday, November 7th at 7pm | Ipswich Performing Arts Center |
Open Book Discussions: Beautiful Boy |
· Friday, October 11th at 10am | Ipswich Public Library |
Panel Discussion: Substance Abuse and Community Policing |
Wednesday, October 9th at 7pm | Ipswich Town Hall |
Talking with Children about Substance Use and Addiction: Strategies for Communicating with Children Touched by Substance Use | Wednesday October 16th at 6:30pm | Ipswich Public Library |
Interactive Presentation: Hidden in Plain Sight |
Saturday, October 19th from 1pm-3pm | Ipswich Town Hall |
Yoga for Recovery | · Tuesday, October 8th at 11:30am | Ipswich YMCA |
Substance Use Awareness for Parents: |
Tuesday, October 22nd at 6:30pm | Ipswich Public Library |
Ipswich Aware: Community Forum and Discussion |
Thursday, October 24th 6:30pm | Ipswich YMCA |
Film Screening: Beautiful Boy |
· Saturday, October 12th at 1pm | Ipswich Public Library |
Film Screening: Ben is Back |
Monday, October 7th at 6:30pm | Ipswich Public Library |
Film Screening: Pleasure Unwoven |
Sunday, October 20th at 1pm | Ipswich Public Library |