Contact YA Librarian Viktoria Paget at vpaget@ipswichlibrary.org to inquire about current volunteer opportunities for teens. Volunteers must be age 14-18 and be capable of working independently with supervision. The library is a great place for high school students to earn community service hours!
The bulk of volunteer work is shelf management, but other tasks may include: preparing craft materials, helping out with programs, building book displays, sprucing up the Teen Nook, or other special projects! Everyone has a talent to bring to the library, and I encourage you to reach out if you are:
- an avid reader who loves recommending books to people
- an artist who would like to teach other teens about their craft
- a Dungeons & Dragons or board game enthusiast
- someone who is passionate about their hobbies or interests in general!
Scheduling can be flexible and will be arranged with me when you are taken on as a volunteer. Volunteer shifts are at least 1 hour long and most shifts take place on weekdays from 2 to 5pm.
While I wish I could accept every teen who applies to volunteer at the library, there are limited spots available. If you need to earn community service hours, I strongly advise that you inquire about volunteering at least several months before your community service deadline.
To earn a guaranteed hour of community service, all teens are welcome at quarterly Tabbies (Teen Advisory Board) meetings! You will receive one community service hour for discussing ideas for teen services/programs, and we will typically work on a craft while we brainstorm. For more information on Tabbies, visit our Teen Clubs page.